Setting and Characters

The Goetic Demons are the noble impulses of sin that dwell in the nine layers of hell. They feed on the manifestations of humanities sin and celebrate the memory of great sinners by playing with souls of the damned. Not all of them are wicked, but they are all outside of God’s grace.

The demonic courts are built around the seven deadly sins however there is significant overlap in the activities of humanity and the sins they produce. A single ungodly act can produce several different sins and the demons try to outdo each other in terms of how much sin they can tempt humanity into. The demons often form into factions with the court of Pride on one side and the court of Envy on the other. The bitter infighting between them produces endless vendettas and petty feuds as they all bring out the worst in each other.

The Occult Academics are drawn from occult groups all over the world. Some are solo practitioners who are known by reputation, others are whole demon worshipping sects with their own pantheon of demonic entities that support them. Some of them are new to demonology and want to know more while others have a deep understanding of occult lore and wish to find the final secrets.

The Souls of the Demons and the Academics will be fused together as they draw the Fallen into their corrupt schemes.


At Goetia the players take on the roles of Occultists spending a weekend in a manor house so that they can recreate the “Night of 100 demons” a representation of the time the 21 fallen angels entered hell for the first time. Everyone knows roughly what happened, but the occultists want to learn more about the specific alliances that formed between individual Fallen and individual Demons for various reasons ranging from academic curiosity to hoping to be able to use this information in rituals.

The larp is set in the “vintage era” somewhere in the interwar period between 1918 and and 1939. Characters with military links will be recalling The Great War, there is greater influence from Hollywood, a rise in Communism, the conflict between esotericism and occultism, spirituality and science. Older Victorian occult practices are in decline and there is a return to social conservatism. The aristocracy is in decline and the idea of a servant class is being questioned.

During the day the players will engage in social activities of the time as well as participating in walks, study groups and meditative and ritualistic practices. It should be sedate, conservative and pleasant with social norms being maintained. Affairs should be discreet, enmities well managed and a stiff upper lip maintained. The serving staff will gracefully do their duty as ritual sacrifices and the whole thing will be politely done. After dark all hell breaks loose.


The demon is a combination of the traits of the person being possessed and the spirit possessing them. So there are still signs of the person being possessed in the personality of the demon. The metaphysical reason for this is that spirits are celestial beings with no real concept of existence in the temporal world so they fill in the blanks by using what the host already knows.

While possessed they will identify as the demon and have that demon's interests, allegiances and agenda constantly in their mind. The demon only really cares about things that affect the demon and will only care about the host when those interests coincide.

While possessed the host is completely under the control of the demon and will not regain control until the morning. They will remember the whole thing like a very vivid dream. Some may not recall everything they did but will remember in vivid detail when they are reminded. The occultists will be encouraged to talk about it and record it in some way.

The Demon characters themselves are based on the 72 goetic demons from Ars Goetia, the lesser key of Solomon.

What can you play on as an Occultist?

Seances and Mediumship Demonstrations
Palmistry and Tarot Card Readings
Astrology Sessions
Lectures and Discussions
Workshops on Rituals and Ceremonies
Psychic Healing Sessions
Exhibitions of Occult Objects
Book Signings and Sales
Networking and Socialising
Creating occult art
Meditation and Mindfulness Sessions
Expand your cult
Start a new occult group with people you meet

What can you play on as a Demon?

Enjoy inhabiting a physical vessel, dance, drink, do drugs
Reveal hidden secrets or unearth disturbing truths about the occultist
Act on the darker wants and desires of the occultist
Encouraging demons to play with their mortal hosts
Exchange favours with other demons
Talk with the Fallen
Get the Fallen to change Sin
Create blasphemous art
Consider what it would take to change your sin
Make friends and allies in other demonic courts
Get a higher ranking demon to promote you
Give up on the responsibility and demote yourself
Allow your occultist to come out to witness the debauchery


Date: 4-7th of September 2025
Location: Ingestre Hall, UK


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