The Experience 


Set in the halls of a beautiful British mansion Geotia will explore the contrasts between intellectual, polite society and diabolic decadent excess. An enormous cast of characters will bring the mansion to life with occult discourse, personal agendas and academic drama by day, and demonic treachery, hellish vendettas and diabolic passion by night.

All of the participants will have the opportunity to explore both mortal and immortal characters with the transition taking place during a twilight ritual. They will have their own clubs, societies, friend groups as well as enemies, rivals, friends and lovers in both of these worlds with the feelings sometimes crossing over between the worlds.

Playstyle and Tone

Goetia is played in the nordic style with an emphasis on character development and relationships over plotted elements and character abilities. The play revolves around creating social situations with consequences for your character that you then have to deal with.

The larp is ultimately play to lose, that is you are attempting to have your character fail to achieve their goals in the most dramatic way possible. Culminating in your character's death or disappearance in the final act. The tone starts as one of wonder and awe that slowly descends into madness and fear.


Sacrifice and Service The larp asks the characters what they are prepared to Sacrifice and what they will do for others. All of the characters will end up sacrificing something of themselves as they attempt to get something from this depraved ordeal.
Extremes of Excess and Loss The characters are torn between extremes of emotion, power and indulgence before crashing down to the lowest they can go. Only to be dragged back up again to dance again before being cast aside and broken.
Masks and Alibis The characters are transformed into base versions of themselves. Craven, selfish and ruthless. But how much of this comes from the character and how much from the mask they wear? To what extent do we use alibis and excuses to mask behaviour we want to engage in?
Magic and Transformation One of the themes of the larp is playing with the sense of what is real and what is not. Nothing happens in the larp that cannot be explained through conventional science. But we will use this space to look at the masks we wear and how they can change us.
Self discovery and Acceptance The demons are not doing anything that is not already present in the character. Over the course of the larp the characters will learn about their darkest feelings and perhaps come to terms with the elements of themselves that make them feel the most guilty.
Prejudice and Found Family By placing the larp under the harsh lens of 40’s social conservatism we expose ourselves to the prejudices and beliefs of the time. Even in this permissive environment there is a sense of shame and judgement, but also one of belonging when you find people like yourself.


Date: 4-7th of September 2025
Location: Ingestre Hall, UK


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